I have 3 school-aged daughters. I send them off to school for 7 hours each day --- Monday through Friday --- August to May. That's a L O N G time! Can you imagine if as a parent I had NO idea what was going on? Whew!
In my own classroom, it dawned on me ... my 7th & 8th graders "probably" weren't going home and filling in whomever was home with every little detail about school. How could they? We expect them to cram 7 hours worth of content in their heads, go on to whatever extracurriculars they participate in, eat, do homework, AND communicate it all to mom & dad? Yea, right. For a decent number of years, I had parents email or call or say to me at conferences, "I didn't know (fill in assignment/test/project name) was coming up."
I decided to do what I could to change this.
Yes! You can! I started off small. We will call this "Concise Communication" - I posted the homework every week - in my classroom (where I encouraged students to write it down) AND in our grade book program. I had to turn in lesson plans anyhow which included my planned homework, so I knew it ahead of time. If I needed to adjust, I did. I encouraged students and parents to look there for homework & grades.