75% ... 3/4 ... 0.75 ... 3 out of 4
No matter how you say it, the school year is a good chunk of the way over! The finish line is in sight! And I know what is going through most teachers brains right now:
"Enjoy Spring Break ... final prep before state testing ... get through testing ... finish out the year!"
Hold on ... Let me push your thinking for a bit. 4th quarter is NOT time to wind down. 4th quarter is NOT time to start packing up. 4th quarter is NOT time to just "get through". Rather, EMBRACE 4th quarter! It's spring ... a time of renewal! A time for new growth.
No, I've not fallen off my rocker. I support trying something new at any point in the year, but I see 4th quarter as a great time for those who are a little more timid to try. Stop and think about it:
- When will you know your students any better?
- When will you know the pacing of this class any better?
- When will you know exactly where in your day you can fit something in?
- When will you know how far you can push your students?
- When will you know the resources you have available to you any better?
- When will you be able to breathe knowing testing is over?
- When will you be able to see a more definite end date than the end of the year?