"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
Theodor Seuss Geisel will be honored in early March all around the world. His books are timeless and enjoyable. Who doesn't remember reading "The Cat in the Hat" or "Green Eggs and Ham"? How many teachers have added to "Oh, the Places You'll Go" for a student to receive at their high school graduation?
I have a tech-infused way you and your students can honor him, too! I created this for a 1st grade teacher and her students, so don't underestimate "who" can do this - everyone can! Google Slides is the perfect tool to allow students to create their own magazine. It allows your students to celebrate Dr. Seuss while also practicing many tech skills. Searching and replacing images, typing, researching, backing up opinions, and dragging and dropping. My "piรจce de rรฉsistance" is to have the parent/guardian emails on hand and help your students share it with them! [As a mom, my heart would just melt if I opened my email to find the work one of my daughters' created at school!]
"And will you succeed? Yes you will indeed! 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed."
Interested? Feel free to grab your own here ↬ Seuss-tastic Newz. You'll find a cover and 2 inside pages ... one, ready to go for your littlest ones; the other, is fully editable for you to adjust/add/subtract as you would like. Decide which one you want and delete the other.
If this type of activity is something you'd like to do more of, please check out the site I've created with a colleague, Beth Kingsley, called Templates for Teachers. We have this template, as well as over 50 templates you can preview and make your own copy of. From there, you can modify them to fit you and your students perfectly. We also have a Google Form you can submit a request a template. I truly love creating these templates!
"You'll never be bored when you try something new. There's really no limit to what you can do."
~ Dr. Seuss

I have a tech-infused way you and your students can honor him, too! I created this for a 1st grade teacher and her students, so don't underestimate "who" can do this - everyone can! Google Slides is the perfect tool to allow students to create their own magazine. It allows your students to celebrate Dr. Seuss while also practicing many tech skills. Searching and replacing images, typing, researching, backing up opinions, and dragging and dropping. My "piรจce de rรฉsistance" is to have the parent/guardian emails on hand and help your students share it with them! [As a mom, my heart would just melt if I opened my email to find the work one of my daughters' created at school!]
"And will you succeed? Yes you will indeed! 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed."
~ Dr. Seuss
Interested? Feel free to grab your own here ↬ Seuss-tastic Newz. You'll find a cover and 2 inside pages ... one, ready to go for your littlest ones; the other, is fully editable for you to adjust/add/subtract as you would like. Decide which one you want and delete the other.
If this type of activity is something you'd like to do more of, please check out the site I've created with a colleague, Beth Kingsley, called Templates for Teachers. We have this template, as well as over 50 templates you can preview and make your own copy of. From there, you can modify them to fit you and your students perfectly. We also have a Google Form you can submit a request a template. I truly love creating these templates!
"You'll never be bored when you try something new. There's really no limit to what you can do."
~ Dr. Seuss
Have a question or comment? Feel free to comment below or on Twitter @kiefersj, or email me at sarah@techyoucando.com.