A little more than a week ago, a student came to me with her chromebook. I assumed she was having issues with it, but the screen looked fine. She puts her chromebook down on the desk. I see she has the multiplication facts activity I created awhile back pulled up on her screen. In a quiet voice, she points to it and asks, "Do you have anything like this for division?"

I was a bit shocked and had to ask her to repeat herself. She repeats her question and looks at me. I cannot lie ... I was speechless. Finding words, I asked her, "Are you asking if I have something for division facts like this?"
She nodded. Finally understanding, I asked her one more question, "Are you saying you'd like to practice your division facts using something like what you have for multiplication?"
She again smiles, and explains, "See, I'm almost done with my 10's facts for multiplication, and I know I'll move on to division. So I was wondering if you had something like this for division ..."
I smiled and responded, "Not yet, but I will work on it & let your teacher know when it's ready!"
You see, I had gone into this 3rd grade classroom several weeks ago. Since then, she has been using my digital multiplication facts flashcards and has been able to practice and master up through her 10's!!
Ahhhh! What an awesome compliment! I cannot express in words how this makes me feel. What a rewarding feeling it is to know that you've made a difference in the life of a student ... I created something she found useful AND she was asking for more! Now, I can also tell you this student is one who has to put forth effort at school work.
I happily got to work on it last week and I'm excited to share it out today! You can find them at http://bit.ly/divisionfacttable. There is an individual set for each number 1 - 12, as well as sets students can use to challenge themselves.
A few things I want to point out:
- I only used division facts that result in whole numbers.
- There are several options for your students to practice ... encourage them to try out different ones to see if they prefer one over another
- There is the ability for the computer to read the facts ... look for the little speaker (this is GREAT for students who like to hear it).
- Share this with your parents so students can practice at home.
If you are interested in the multiplication facts flashcards, the link and blog post can be found here ↬ Multiplication Your Students Can Do . Please use!
Have a question or comment? Feel free to comment below or on Twitter @kiefersj, or email me at ( sarah@techyoucando.com ).
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